Policy on Policies and Tailgating: Difference between pages

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual
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== 1. Introduction ==
Policy 106.3
== Introduction ==

The Appalachian State University Resource Manual provides (1) a single site to facilitate the location of policies and procedures (“policies”) that govern university personnel and operations and (2) a uniform format and reference system to make access and reference to policies convenient. The Office of General Counsel maintains copies of approved policies and assigns a number and subject heading to all policies once they have been approved by the Chancellor or Board of Trustees. The website has a powerful search engine to enable any user to easily locate subject matter of interest in the Resource Manual. A policy template provides a standardized format for creation and revision of policies. This policy describes the elements of the template and provides guidance on how to draft clear and user-friendly policies.  
== Scope ==
2.1 This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, as well as visitors to the campus or non-campus property.

== 2. Scope ==
== Definitions  ==

This policy applies to all policies published in the Resource Manual. 

== 3. Definitions  ==
=== Tailgating ===
:Tailgating is defined as parking in a designated location or area and/or setting up non- permanent facilities (such as tents and tables) to consume food and beverages prior to an officially sanctioned University event to which the public is invited and the event has been approved for tailgating. If the Chancellor or his designee pre-approves the consumption of alcohol for a specific tailgating event, only malt beverages and unfortified wine may be consumed by individuals twenty-one (21) years of age or older.

''' 3.1 ''' “Board of Trustees” or “Board” means the Board of Trustees of Appalachian State University.
== Policy and Procedure Statements  ==

'''3.2'''  “Chancellor’s Cabinet” means the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor Business Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Student Development, the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, the Chief of Staff, the Director of External Affairs and Community Relations, the Director of Human Resource Services, the Director of Athletics and the General Counsel.
=== Conduct ===
4.1.1 Individuals attending events at Appalachian State University are expected to conduct themselves in a manner respectful of the nature and character of the university. Persons acting in a disruptive, disrespectful or disorderly manner may be asked to leave the premises or be subject to citation. Students may also be charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

== 4. Policy and Procedure Statements  ==

'''4.1'''  Uniform Template.  A uniform policy template has been established to provide guidance to drafters of policies and uniformity to the policy website. The title is written at the top of the template along with a number and general subject category assigned by the Office of General Counsel.  
=== Tailgating Areas/Times ===
4.2.1 Tailgating with food and non-alcoholic beverages is permitted on all areas of campus.

'''4.2'''  Format. New policies should be drafted in numerical outline format, using _________________ font and left justified margins, following the policy template. Section titles and subtitles should be used in the body of the text where appropriate.  Policies should be written in active voice. In general, every sentence should have meaning and relate to the heading or sub-heading under which it is found.
4.2.2 Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages while tailgating will be permitted in the following areas, or those parking lots adjacent to the facilities listed below, unless otherwise stipulated by the University Administration:

'''4.3'''  Headings and Sub-headings.  Use headings and sub-headings that let the reader know the content of each section. Policies can be either simple or complex, depending upon the substantive matters that are addressed. The following section headings should be included in a proposed policy:
|Broyhill Music Building Lot                       
|Chemistry and Physics (CAP) Lot
|Champions Lot                                   
|Duck Pond Field
|Durham Park
|East Stands Lot
|Edwin Duncan Hall Lot                           
|Farthing Auditorium Lot
|Greenwood Lot                                     
|Holmes Center Lot
|John Thomas Hall Lot                             
|Justice/Coltrane Halls Lots
|Katharine Harper Hall Lot
|Legends Lot                       
|Raley Lot
|Rivers Street Parking Deck                       
|South Lot
|Stadium Lot
|Student Recreation Center Lot                     
|University Drive Parking Spaces
|New Parking Deck next to the Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons

# Introduction
4.2.3 '''THE ABOVE DESIGNATED AREAS ARE THE ONLY LOCATIONS APPROVED FOR TAILGATING WITH ALCOHOL. Consumption of alcohol outside designated areas and/or time periods constitutes a violation of Appalachian State University tailgating policy. Violators are subject to prosecution under the
# Scope
Appalachian State University Code of Student Conduct, the laws of The Town of Boone, and/or the laws of the State of North Carolina.'''
# Definitions
# Policy and Procedure Statements
# Additional References
# Authority
# Contact Information
# Effective Date
# Revision Dates

Some headings may not be applicable, depending upon the subject matter and scope of the policy.  If so, the section heading should be set out in the policy and annotated as “Not applicable” or “N/A,” or “None.”  Further explanation of the substance of each section is set forth below, unless the heading is self-explanatory: Alcohol consumption will not be permitted in any area during or after the game.

4.3.1  Introduction:  Describes the relevant background and reasons for the policy, and a brief statement about what the policy will address. Some examples of the purpose or reason for a policy are the following: Tailgating is limited to directly behind your parked vehicle. '''Roadways cannot be blocked for any reason and more than one parking spot cannot be used.'''

a. To comply, or explain how to comply, with State or federal law or University of North Carolina (“UNC”) policy; Motor homes will not be allowed to park in campus parking lots the night before a game.
b. To ensure accountability and/or explain or describe expected behavior; and
c. To recognize and/or balance the legitimate interests/expectations of various university administrative/academic units or constituencies;

4.3.2  Scope: Addresses who or what is covered by the policy. For example, who must observe the policy and follow its procedure; who must understand the policy to do their jobs. Most policies have a primary audience and a secondary audience. The policy should focus directly on the primary audience in writing the policy. If there are two primary audiences, the policy should be clear in each section which audience is being addressed.  Any locations, persons, or organizations that are excluded or excepted from application of the policy or any funding sources or job classifications that are excluded from the policy should be identified. This provision may also include information about special circumstances that affect only a few people or circumstances that occur infrequently. <u>Tailgating sites will not open prior to 9:00 A.M. before the official beginning of the event.</u>

4.3.3  Definitions:  Defines any technical language or words used in a special sense. Tailgating will not be permitted during the event.

4.3.4  Policy and Procedure Statement(s): Policies create administrative structures, set priorities, assign responsibility, delegate authority, establish accountability, and define reporting requirements.  Policy statements contain substantive provisions that create rights, privileges or duties. They essentially state what conduct and activities are prescribed or prohibited, and why.  Depending upon the complexity of the subject matter, this may be a simple paragraph or may contain various numbered sections with subtitles.  Procedures identify the “who, how, when, and where” of university operations.
=== Consumption of Alcohol ===

4.3.5  Additional References: Other information relevant to the policies, such as guidelines, forms, charts, and handbooks
4.3.1 Consistent with North Carolina State Law, <u>only malt beverages and unfortified wine may be possessed or consumed. Spirituous liquor (including mixed drinks) is NOT permitted.</u>

4.3.6  Authority: Relevant statute, regulation, UNC Policy Manual provision or other authority
4.3.2 Kegs and other common containers are not allowed at any time.

4.3.7  Contact Information: Title and phone number of official or office responsible for implementation of or monitoring compliance with policy
4.3.3 Glass containers are not allowed.

4.3.8  Effective Date
4.3.4 Drinking games, including, but not limited to, beer pong, and the use of devices intended to accelerate the consumption of alcohol, including, but not limited to, funnels or beer bongs, are prohibited.

4.3.9  Revision Dates
4.3.5 Any participant who consumes alcoholic beverages at such events <u>must be able to produce a valid driver’s license or other photo ID that reflects the person’s age</u> upon request.

'''4.4'''  Consistency with Governing Authority. Policies must be consistent with all applicable governing authority. If a policy is to implement a federal or state law, a policy of the Board of Governors or the Board of Trustees, or a directive from the Office of the President, the introduction should note this and the remainder of the policy should be consistent with the higher governing authority.  
4.3.6 Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on any other part of the campus or on public streets that run through or are adjacent to the campus.

'''4.5''' Essential Subject Matter. Policies should be concise, understandable and contain only material essential to the policy. Brevity and clarity should be sought whenever possible.
4.3.7 Consumption of alcoholic beverages may begin no more than 3 ½ hours before the starting time of the event. Consumption of alcoholic beverages '''after''' commencement of the event is '''prohibited'''. ([http://policy.appstate.edu/Possession_and_Use_of_Alcoholic_Beverages Possession and Use of Alcoholic Beverages])

4.5.1  Historical Information. Historical information may be useful, but it should not be in the policy. Such information may be in a task force report or other explanatory material that can be hyperlinked in the Additional References section of the template to provide the reader with additional information.
=== Consumption and Preparation of Food ===

4.5.2  Statutes, Regulations, UNC Policy Manual or Board of Trustees Policies. Do not repeat language from statutes, regulations, Board of Governors’ policies or Board of Trustees’ policies unless it is necessary. Instead, reference the law, regulation or policy (with a hyperlink when appropriate) and include it in the “Authority” section.  
4.4.1 No food may be sold without proper University permit (either Food Services and/or Athletics).

4.5.3 Webpages, Forms, Handbooks and other References. Unit webpage or other information relating to the policies, such as guidelines, forms, charts, and handbooks, should not be incorporated into the body of the policy, but should be listed and hyperlinked in the Additional References section following the text of the policy. ASU policies and forms and policies in the UNC Policy Manual may be hyperlinked within the body of the policy. References and hyperlinks to policies within the body of the policy should be to the title of the policy (not the http address). References to forms should be to the title of the form and the office or title of the person from whom they can be obtained since all forms may not be available electronically. No other hyperlinks may be made within the body of the policy. Other hyperlinks may be inserted in the Additional References section. References to persons to contact within the body of the policy should be by official title only.
4.4.2 Propane and charcoal grills are the only permissible sources of heat for cooking. Burned coals and/or residue from cooking may not be permitted to make contact with the paved surface of the parking lot. Hot coals must be completely extinguished with water prior to leaving the tailgating site.
'''4.6'''  Official Policies.  Official policies of Appalachian State University are those approved by the Board of Trustees and certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board, or approved by the Chancellor.  Copies of official policies are maintained in the Office of General Counsel.  The Board of Trustees may adopt policies on subject matter within its purview on its own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. In the absence of an express delegation of authority by the Chancellor, all other policies must be approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee.

'''4.7'''  Proposals.  Any person may propose a new policy or revision of an existing policy by submitting a proposal in accordance with the uniform template linked to this policy.  The proposal may be submitted to the contact identified in an existing policy; an employee’s supervisor; a vice chancellor or other member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet. The recipient of the proposal shall review the proposal and make a recommendation concerning its approval to the recipient’s next-level supervisor.
4.4.3 Open flame fires, including fire pits, are prohibited.

'''4.8'''  Review.  A Cabinet member who receives a proposal for a new or revised policy may consult with individual personnel and one or more advisory bodies for recommendations on adoption or revision.  Following review at the Cabinet member’s discretion, the Cabinet member will submit the proposal and that official’s recommendation to the Chancellor for action on the proposal.
=== Trash ===

'''4.9'''  Approval. If the Chancellor approves a policy proposal within the Chancellor’s purview, the Office of General Counsel will prepare a copy of the policy for the Chancellor’s signature.  If the subject matter of the policy requires Board of Trustees approval, the Chancellor may present the proposal to the Board at the Chancellor’s discretion together with the Chancellor’s recommendation on the proposal.  Upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Board’s Secretary or Assistant Secretary shall certify a true and accurate copy of the policy and transmit it to the Office of General Counsel for filing and publication. The General Counsel is authorized to revise approved policies to correct typographical and grammatical errors, update webpage links, and otherwise make policies consistent with State and federal laws and regulations, and policies adopted by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina.  
4.5.1 All groups and individuals participating in tailgating are responsible for proper disposal of their trash and other debris such as charcoal.
Recycling is strongly encouraged.

'''4.10'''  Publication. Upon receipt of a certified copy or original signed by the Chancellor, the Office of General Counsel shall assign a number and subject matter title, if needed, and publish the text of the policy in the Resource Manual.
4.5.2 Trash containers will be provided throughout campus.

== 5. Additional References: ==
=== Solicitation ===

== 6. Authority: ==
4.6.1 No sales activities are allowed on the Appalachian State University campus, including any/all tailgating areas, without permission from the appropriate University office, i.e. Athletics and/or Center for Student Involvement and Leadership.  ([http://policy.appstate.edu/Facility_Use Facility Use Policy])
G.S. 116-11(13) and (14), G.S. 116-33 and 116-34; The UNC Policy Manual, Chapter 100.1, Sections 403, 502C and 502D, and Appendix 1 - Delegations of Duty and Authority to Boards of the Trustees

== 7. Contact Information:==
4.6.2 Only Appalachian State University Athletics or their designated representatives will be allowed to sell merchandise at athletics events.
Office of General Counsel (828.262.2751)

== 8. Effective Date: ==
=== Structures ===

== 9. Revision Dates: ==
4.7.1 No permanent or semi-permanent structures may be constructed or placed for any activity on University grounds except by authority of the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs or the Vice Chancellor for Student Development.  ([http://policy.appstate.edu/Facility_Use Facility Use Policy])
=== Smoking Policy ===
4.8.1 Smoking is not allowed inside Kidd Brewer Stadium or within 50 ft. of any university facility.
4.8.2 If smoking in a designated area, smoking residue must be placed in appropriate receptacles. ([http://policy.appstate.edu/Smoking_on_University_Property Smoking Policy])
== Additional References ==
== Authority ==
== Contact Information ==
== Effective Date ==
== Revision Dates ==

Revision as of 20:07, 15 March 2012

Policy 106.3



2.1 This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, as well as visitors to the campus or non-campus property.



Tailgating is defined as parking in a designated location or area and/or setting up non- permanent facilities (such as tents and tables) to consume food and beverages prior to an officially sanctioned University event to which the public is invited and the event has been approved for tailgating. If the Chancellor or his designee pre-approves the consumption of alcohol for a specific tailgating event, only malt beverages and unfortified wine may be consumed by individuals twenty-one (21) years of age or older.

Policy and Procedure Statements


4.1.1 Individuals attending events at Appalachian State University are expected to conduct themselves in a manner respectful of the nature and character of the university. Persons acting in a disruptive, disrespectful or disorderly manner may be asked to leave the premises or be subject to citation. Students may also be charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.


Tailgating Areas/Times

4.2.1 Tailgating with food and non-alcoholic beverages is permitted on all areas of campus.

4.2.2 Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages while tailgating will be permitted in the following areas, or those parking lots adjacent to the facilities listed below, unless otherwise stipulated by the University Administration:

Broyhill Music Building Lot Chemistry and Physics (CAP) Lot
Champions Lot Duck Pond Field
Durham Park East Stands Lot
Edwin Duncan Hall Lot Farthing Auditorium Lot
Greenwood Lot Holmes Center Lot
John Thomas Hall Lot Justice/Coltrane Halls Lots
Katharine Harper Hall Lot Legends Lot
Raley Lot Rivers Street Parking Deck
South Lot Stadium Lot
Student Recreation Center Lot University Drive Parking Spaces
New Parking Deck next to the Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons

4.2.3 THE ABOVE DESIGNATED AREAS ARE THE ONLY LOCATIONS APPROVED FOR TAILGATING WITH ALCOHOL. Consumption of alcohol outside designated areas and/or time periods constitutes a violation of Appalachian State University tailgating policy. Violators are subject to prosecution under the Appalachian State University Code of Student Conduct, the laws of The Town of Boone, and/or the laws of the State of North Carolina. Alcohol consumption will not be permitted in any area during or after the game. Tailgating is limited to directly behind your parked vehicle. Roadways cannot be blocked for any reason and more than one parking spot cannot be used. Motor homes will not be allowed to park in campus parking lots the night before a game. Tailgating sites will not open prior to 9:00 A.M. before the official beginning of the event. Tailgating will not be permitted during the event.

Consumption of Alcohol

4.3.1 Consistent with North Carolina State Law, only malt beverages and unfortified wine may be possessed or consumed. Spirituous liquor (including mixed drinks) is NOT permitted.

4.3.2 Kegs and other common containers are not allowed at any time.

4.3.3 Glass containers are not allowed.

4.3.4 Drinking games, including, but not limited to, beer pong, and the use of devices intended to accelerate the consumption of alcohol, including, but not limited to, funnels or beer bongs, are prohibited.

4.3.5 Any participant who consumes alcoholic beverages at such events must be able to produce a valid driver’s license or other photo ID that reflects the person’s age upon request.

4.3.6 Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on any other part of the campus or on public streets that run through or are adjacent to the campus.

4.3.7 Consumption of alcoholic beverages may begin no more than 3 ½ hours before the starting time of the event. Consumption of alcoholic beverages after commencement of the event is prohibited. (Possession and Use of Alcoholic Beverages)

Consumption and Preparation of Food

4.4.1 No food may be sold without proper University permit (either Food Services and/or Athletics).

4.4.2 Propane and charcoal grills are the only permissible sources of heat for cooking. Burned coals and/or residue from cooking may not be permitted to make contact with the paved surface of the parking lot. Hot coals must be completely extinguished with water prior to leaving the tailgating site.

4.4.3 Open flame fires, including fire pits, are prohibited.


4.5.1 All groups and individuals participating in tailgating are responsible for proper disposal of their trash and other debris such as charcoal. Recycling is strongly encouraged.

4.5.2 Trash containers will be provided throughout campus.


4.6.1 No sales activities are allowed on the Appalachian State University campus, including any/all tailgating areas, without permission from the appropriate University office, i.e. Athletics and/or Center for Student Involvement and Leadership. (Facility Use Policy)

4.6.2 Only Appalachian State University Athletics or their designated representatives will be allowed to sell merchandise at athletics events.


4.7.1 No permanent or semi-permanent structures may be constructed or placed for any activity on University grounds except by authority of the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs or the Vice Chancellor for Student Development. (Facility Use Policy)

Smoking Policy

4.8.1 Smoking is not allowed inside Kidd Brewer Stadium or within 50 ft. of any university facility.

4.8.2 If smoking in a designated area, smoking residue must be placed in appropriate receptacles. (Smoking Policy)

Additional References


Contact Information

Effective Date

Revision Dates