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== Policy and Procedure Statements  ==
== Policy and Procedure Statements  ==
=== Example policy 1 ===
Policy 3 - Policy Statement on Graphic Identity Program
Purpose - The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for implementation of Appalachian State University's graphic identity program.
In the past, Appalachian has often presented a fragmented image of itself to various constituent groups. The quality of publications has sometimes been inconsistent. The University's graphic identity program provides carefully considered procedures for producing communications of consistently high quality.
=== Example policy 2 ===
The graphic identity manual and this statement constitute official University policy as it pertains to the logo, proper used of the logo and other registered identifying marks, publications, items such as stationery/envelopes and their proper uses, business cards, and the name of the institution as it appears in publication.
General Policy - Appalachian State University recognizes that everything we say or do conveys something about us, good or bad. In carrying out the University's graphic identity program, we seek to increase the clarity and effectiveness of our messages by a coordinated, consistent use of our logo and other registered marks. These marks, whether applied to stationery, brochures, signage, or vehicles, reflect the dynamic nature and character of Appalachian.
The Role of University Printing and Publications - The Office of Printing and Publications is responsible for the interpretation and administration of all institutional graphics that involve the use of the name and symbols of the University. All publications which utilize the University's name or other registered identifying marks must have the approval of this office.
Application of the Logo
As the focal point of the Appalachian graphic identity program, the logotype is used on stationery, University publications, office forms, signs, vehicles and other media which communicate the University to its publics.
The logotype is not meant to be merged with other design elements. Its purpose is to be merged with other design elements. Its purpose is to identify the University. Generally, it should not be featured prominently on the covers of publications - but rather as a signature.
The logotype may appear in two forms, with or without the address line. However, the logotype must be used as designed. Altering it in any way compromises its visual effectiveness and the overall program.
Reproduction - quality proofs of the art in various sizes are available from the Office of Printing and Publications.
See Appendix A for acceptable and unacceptable uses of the logotype.
Requirements for Publications and Other Printed Materials
Responsibility for maintaining the graphic identity program rests with the Office of Public Affairs. The program is administered through the Office of Printing and Publications. This office should be consulted during the planning and production of any publication.
The Office of Printing and Publications is responsible for screening publications for their consistency with University policy as well as state and federal legal requirements. It is also responsible for applying University standards to writing style, photography, art, and printing procedures. Materials intended for internal audiences, such as bulletins and newsletters, are not required to be produced by the Office of Printing and Publications, but should follow the guidelines in this statement and the graphic identity manual as closely as possible. Tests of printed materials prepared for off-campus distribution must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Printing and Publications prior to printing. This applies to all publications, whether they are printed on or off campus.
Publications produced by students are exempt from the graphic identity guidelines, except as they use the logotype or other registered marks. The logotype must be used according to the specifications in this statement and the graphic identity manual.
Texts of news releases must be reviewed and approved by the News Bureau.
Legal Requirements - Most University publications must include affirmative action and cost statements, and some must show a disclaimer concerning mailing lists. The Director of Printing and Publications should be consulted for specific requirements.
University Style
Quality and professionalism in communications depend upon adherence to a standard and consistent style of text preparation.
For news releases, the University follows the "Associated Press Stylebook" to be consistent with most news organizations. For administrative and external communications the University follows "The Chicago Manual of Style," 13 th edition. Some forms of expression are particular to Appalachian, as described in Sections 1.08-1.11, below.
Name of the University - The first reference in any manuscript or publication should always be to "Appalachian State University." After that, "Appalachian" or the "University" may be used. References such as "ASU," "App State," and "Appy State" are prohibited.
The official names of divisions, colleges, and departments are those listed as titles in the General Bulletin , e.g., "College of Business." Use these titles in return addresses, brochure headlines, and first titles in text. Shorter adaptations, such as "English department" or "business college" may be used in text references that follow. When in doubt, consult the Office of Printing and Publications.
Careful proofreading of typeset proofs is the responsibility of the department ordering the publication.
University Colors - The official colors of Appalachian State University are black and gold. They are also the colors of the University's athletic teams. The printed version of gold is PMS #109 on coated paper stocks and PMS #102 for uncoated paper.
Although the official colors are not a part of the graphic identity program, their use is encouraged in the color scheme of publications issued by the University.
University Seal - The seal is reserved for traditional applications, such as for use on diplomas. It may also be used on those bookstore items which would normally use a seal. It is not to be used generally to identify the University; nor is it to be used as an identifying or decorative element on publications either for internal or external audiences.
Stationery - Appalachian State University's logo stationery and envelopes are part of an overall graphic identity program aimed at conveying a distinctive and appropriate image of the University to its publics. See Appendix B for examples.
Last modified 05/07/2009 10:44:09 AM by Matt McNaney
== Additional References ==
== Additional References ==

Revision as of 18:50, 1 August 2011

Policy 801

1 Introduction

You may copy this page's source to start a new policy page. Be sure to remove or overwrite the examples. Second level headings should NOT be altered.

2 Scope

3 Definitions

3.1 Definition phrase or word

Definition summary

4 Policy and Procedure Statements

Policy 3 - Policy Statement on Graphic Identity Program Purpose - The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for implementation of Appalachian State University's graphic identity program.

In the past, Appalachian has often presented a fragmented image of itself to various constituent groups. The quality of publications has sometimes been inconsistent. The University's graphic identity program provides carefully considered procedures for producing communications of consistently high quality.

The graphic identity manual and this statement constitute official University policy as it pertains to the logo, proper used of the logo and other registered identifying marks, publications, items such as stationery/envelopes and their proper uses, business cards, and the name of the institution as it appears in publication.

General Policy - Appalachian State University recognizes that everything we say or do conveys something about us, good or bad. In carrying out the University's graphic identity program, we seek to increase the clarity and effectiveness of our messages by a coordinated, consistent use of our logo and other registered marks. These marks, whether applied to stationery, brochures, signage, or vehicles, reflect the dynamic nature and character of Appalachian.

The Role of University Printing and Publications - The Office of Printing and Publications is responsible for the interpretation and administration of all institutional graphics that involve the use of the name and symbols of the University. All publications which utilize the University's name or other registered identifying marks must have the approval of this office.

Application of the Logo

As the focal point of the Appalachian graphic identity program, the logotype is used on stationery, University publications, office forms, signs, vehicles and other media which communicate the University to its publics. The logotype is not meant to be merged with other design elements. Its purpose is to be merged with other design elements. Its purpose is to identify the University. Generally, it should not be featured prominently on the covers of publications - but rather as a signature. The logotype may appear in two forms, with or without the address line. However, the logotype must be used as designed. Altering it in any way compromises its visual effectiveness and the overall program. Reproduction - quality proofs of the art in various sizes are available from the Office of Printing and Publications. See Appendix A for acceptable and unacceptable uses of the logotype.

Requirements for Publications and Other Printed Materials

Responsibility for maintaining the graphic identity program rests with the Office of Public Affairs. The program is administered through the Office of Printing and Publications. This office should be consulted during the planning and production of any publication. The Office of Printing and Publications is responsible for screening publications for their consistency with University policy as well as state and federal legal requirements. It is also responsible for applying University standards to writing style, photography, art, and printing procedures. Materials intended for internal audiences, such as bulletins and newsletters, are not required to be produced by the Office of Printing and Publications, but should follow the guidelines in this statement and the graphic identity manual as closely as possible. Tests of printed materials prepared for off-campus distribution must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Printing and Publications prior to printing. This applies to all publications, whether they are printed on or off campus. Publications produced by students are exempt from the graphic identity guidelines, except as they use the logotype or other registered marks. The logotype must be used according to the specifications in this statement and the graphic identity manual. Texts of news releases must be reviewed and approved by the News Bureau. Legal Requirements - Most University publications must include affirmative action and cost statements, and some must show a disclaimer concerning mailing lists. The Director of Printing and Publications should be consulted for specific requirements.

University Style

Quality and professionalism in communications depend upon adherence to a standard and consistent style of text preparation. For news releases, the University follows the "Associated Press Stylebook" to be consistent with most news organizations. For administrative and external communications the University follows "The Chicago Manual of Style," 13 th edition. Some forms of expression are particular to Appalachian, as described in Sections 1.08-1.11, below. Name of the University - The first reference in any manuscript or publication should always be to "Appalachian State University." After that, "Appalachian" or the "University" may be used. References such as "ASU," "App State," and "Appy State" are prohibited.

The official names of divisions, colleges, and departments are those listed as titles in the General Bulletin , e.g., "College of Business." Use these titles in return addresses, brochure headlines, and first titles in text. Shorter adaptations, such as "English department" or "business college" may be used in text references that follow. When in doubt, consult the Office of Printing and Publications.

Careful proofreading of typeset proofs is the responsibility of the department ordering the publication.

University Colors - The official colors of Appalachian State University are black and gold. They are also the colors of the University's athletic teams. The printed version of gold is PMS #109 on coated paper stocks and PMS #102 for uncoated paper.

Although the official colors are not a part of the graphic identity program, their use is encouraged in the color scheme of publications issued by the University.

University Seal - The seal is reserved for traditional applications, such as for use on diplomas. It may also be used on those bookstore items which would normally use a seal. It is not to be used generally to identify the University; nor is it to be used as an identifying or decorative element on publications either for internal or external audiences.

Stationery - Appalachian State University's logo stationery and envelopes are part of an overall graphic identity program aimed at conveying a distinctive and appropriate image of the University to its publics. See Appendix B for examples.

Last modified 05/07/2009 10:44:09 AM by Matt McNaney

5 Additional References

6 Authority

7 Contact Information

8 Effective Date

9 Revision Dates