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From Appalachian State University Policy Manual
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Policy ____ [''Number from Table of Contents'']
Policy 302.1
== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 20:15, 28 July 2011

Policy 302.1


The purpose of the Emergency Response Plan is to designate authority to implement University emergency management plans approved by the Chancellor; to define emergency planning actions to be implemented by University departments and units and to provide a policy regarding the implementation of a campus state of emergency and the administrative actions required during a campus emergency or disaster.



Business Unit

any academic or administrative department, unit, center, institute, division, or college


functions or services offered that if interrupted or unavailable for several business days would significantly jeopardize the university's ability to serve its students and the campus community.


a sudden, unplanned event with a significant scope of impact involving danger to many people if not an entire community. A determination that an event is a "disaster" is based on the scope of the event, number of lives impacted, and the level of devastation of property.


any situation that threatens life, property, the environment, or research, ranging from a temporary power outage to an incident that requires State and Federal response. To aid in determining the extent of resources and coordination required for rescue or recovery operations, emergency incidents are categorized into levels of response as outlined in the campus Emergency Operations Plan.

Emergency Management Task Force (EMTF)

the EMTF is a committee with membership appointed by the Chancellor and members of the Executive Group. The mission of the Emergency Management Task Force is to plan for and respond to crises involving the University. This mission is accomplished through an innovative and comprehensive emergency management, business continuity and disaster recovery planning process. The Task Force will coordinate the organizational resources of the University during crisis response through a collaborative approach to crisis management based upon best practices and executive authority.

Executive Group

the Executive Group is responsible for major decisions that impact University operations, such as University closure. Additionally, the Executive Group will plan and prioritize the long-term recovery efforts following a disaster. The Executive Group communicates through the Emergency Operations Center and provides oversight to the Emergency Operations Center Group. The membership of the Executive Group includes the Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Development, Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Chief of Staff, Associate VC for University Communications and Cultural Affairs, General Counsel, Athletics Director, Director of Human Resources, and Chief of University Police.

Incident Command System (ICS)

a standardized on-scene emergency management system specifically designed to provide an integrated organizational structure that reflects the complexity and demands of a single incident or multiple incidents, without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries. ICS is the combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure, designed to aid in the management of resources during incidents. It is used for all kinds of emergencies and is applicable to small as well as large and complex incidents. ICS is used by various jurisdictions and functional agencies, both public and private, to organize field-level incident management operations.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

a set of principles that provides a systematic, proactive approach guiding government agencies at all levels, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life or property and harm to the environment.

Policy and Procedure Statements

4.1 General Policy

The Chancellor has appointed an Emergency Management Task Force to direct emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. This group, under the leadership of the University Emergency Management Coordinator, is responsible for developing the campus Emergency Operations Plan, which includes detailed descriptions of actions to be taken in the event of an emergency.

It is campus policy to maintain a state of readiness for emergencies of any size. Emergency response and support departments are expected to maintain a state of readiness to deal with all types of emergencies and to prepare accordingly.

The Chancellor, Provost, or designee will be immediately notified of any emergency or significant threat to Appalachian State University.

When an emergency grows in size and complexity, coordination of resources becomes increasingly important. Appalachian State University will use the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage resources in major emergencies.

Each department shall develop a business continuity plan and/or a disaster recovery plan. Additionally, each building on campus shall have an emergency response plan. Copies of these plans shall be submitted electronically to the Emergency Management Task Force.

The University Emergency Management Coordinator and the Emergency Management Task Force shall assist departments and buildings with the development of emergency response plans, building evacuation plans, business continuity plans, and disaster recovery plans. The Emergency Management Task Force shall maintain a current database of all such plans. The Emergency Management Task Force may also review these plans and make recommendations for changes or modifications.

4.2. University Emergency Management Plans

Those plans that include an institutional scope shall be reviewed and recommended for approval by the Emergency Management Task Force. The Emergency Management Task Force shall recommend plans to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from major emergencies and disasters.

Plans recommended for action and approval by the Emergency Management Task Force shall be forwarded to the University Safety and Security Council and the Chancellor's Cabinet. Plans approved by the Chancellor shall be authorized for implementation by this policy. Examples of these plans may include the Emergency Operations Plan or Pandemic Response Plan. All approved plans, such as the Emergency Operations Plan, shall be published on the University's emergency webpage unless they include sensitive information.

Once plans are approved by the Chancellor, a letter of promulgation shall be attached to the front of the plan. See Attachment 1, Sample Promulgation Letter for University Emergency Management and Business Continuity Plans.

4.3 Building Emergency Response Plans

Each business unit shall assist with the development and maintenance of a building emergency response plan. Building emergency response plans will provide clear instructions that describe employee responsibilities during and/or following an emergency. Each building response plan will include at a minimum:

1. a list of operating departments within the building;

2. identification of a primary and alternate building coordinator who shall be responsible for coordinating the emergency response actions for the building and its occupants; and

3. procedures for lockdowns, sheltering in place, and evacuating the building, including directions for building exit routes, designation of assembly areas outside the building, and attendance taking.

4.4 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans

Each business unit should develop a business continuity and recovery plan if not already developed pursuant to law or mandate. Business Continuity Plans should plan for temporary relocation, power outage, data loss, pandemic, and the designation of essential staff, and other items necessary for the unit?s continued operation and/or recovery The Business Continuity Plan will consist of advance arrangements and procedures for maintaining/continuing the unit's identified critical business functions in the event of an interruption. The Disaster Recovery Plan will define the resources, actions, tasks and data required to assist in the recovery of the unit's identified critical business functions. Business impact analyses and risk assessments may be required in addition to the continuity and recovery plan. The Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans must be approved by the Department Head/Director and the appropriate Dean or Vice Chancellor (or designated vice provost or associate vice chancellor).Vice chancellors and deans will develop and maintain plans for areas within their responsibility that are not under a department head.

4.5 Declaration of a State of Emergency

The Chancellor may, if necessary, declare a state of emergency to exist on the campus when:

1. conditions on or within the vicinity of the campus resulting from natural or man-made disasters, a civil disorder that poses a threat of serious injury to persons or damage to property, or other seriously disruptive events; and

2. extraordinary measures are required immediately to avert, alleviate, or repair damage to University property, to protect the health or safety of persons on University property, or to maintain the orderly operation of the campus.

The authority to declare a campus state of emergency rests with the Chancellor, or in his/her absence, the Provost, or the Chancellor?s designee.

During a state of emergency, the University shall place into immediate effect the appropriate procedures designed to meet the emergency and safeguard persons and property.

When the declaration is made, only residential students, members of the administration, faculty, staff, and emergency personnel are authorized to be on campus. Those who cannot provide proper identification proving their legitimate business on campus will be directed to leave.

During some emergencies or disasters, the state of emergency may only permit critical and/or essential employees on campus.

The Chancellor will terminate the campus state of emergency when the situation has stabilized and the conditions outlined above are no longer applicable. See Attachment 2, Sample Campus State of Emergency Declaration.

4.6 Emergency Operations Center

The University Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is the physical location where the Emergency Management Task Force convenes to coordinate and manage resources in response to a major emergency or disaster.

The Emergency Operations Center shall provide resource coordination and communication regularly with the administration.

4.7 Responsibility of Administrators

The Chancellor has ultimate responsibility for all emergency actions taken on the Appalachian State University campus. During an extreme situation the Chancellor has the authority to declare a formal state of emergency and take appropriate actions to deal with the incident.

The Executive Group, consisting of the Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Development, Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Chief of Staff, Associate VC for University Communications and Cultural Affairs, General Counsel, Athletics Director, Director of Human Resources, and Director of University Police, or their designees, will establish campus policy during an emergency.

Vice Chancellors, deans, and department heads/chairs may be called on to provide appropriate logistical support and exercise authority within their areas of responsibility. Vice Chancellors, deans, and department heads have overall responsibility for maintaining assigned facilities as safe workplaces. They are responsible for directing periodic training so that all employees are prepared to take proper action during an emergency.

Additional References


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