Renovations and Alterations: Difference between revisions

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual
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== Revision Dates ==
== Revision Dates ==
Last modified 12/04/2009 01:32:20 PM by Matt McNaney

Revision as of 18:39, 19 July 2011

Policy 507.6


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Definition phrase or word

Definition summary

Policy and Procedure Statements

Planning Renovations

The general standard used in planning renovations is that they must be accomplished in a manner that will minimize the overall impact on the existing facility as originally designed, and will function as an integral part of the facility. Alterations to any facility on campus should be the type that will assure acceptable and economical service from the facility for a long period of time.

Program Requirements and Design Criteria

As program needs change, every effort should be made to accommodate the activity within existing space. When this is not feasible, the using department should develop the following written documentation to support any requested alteration to the present facility and present it to the dean of that department to insure approval and availability of funds:

  • Justification statement to support the need for different or additional space.
  • Description of the requested space requirements and approval of the University Space Committee.
  • Source of funds for accomplishing the changes.

An approved budget code must accompany the REQUEST FOR PHYSICAL PLANT SERVICES when requesting renovations or alterations to a University building. This requirement also applies to projects having a minimal impact on a facility, such as:

  • Installation of window air conditioning.
  • Provisions for servicing electrical equipment such as copy machines.
  • Repainting a particular room.
  • Computer terminal needs.
  • Conduit for telephone relocations.
  • Replacement of furnishings.

Requesting Alteration to Present Facility

Requests for renovations or alterations are made by submitting a REQUEST FOR PHYSICAL PLANT SERVICES, supported by the above documentation.

A request of this nature should be submitted through normal organizational channels, accompanied by a memo indicating the administrative approval of the department chairperson, dean and vice chancellor, or their administrative equivalents.

After the Physical Plant has completed its preliminary study and estimates, the request is forwarded to the Physical Plant for consideration and approval/disapproval and determine if the design and construction of the project can best be accomplished by University personnel or outside contractors. Program needs are then translated into plans which can be followed throughout construction. Since the University maintenance and operations function is funded for maintenance purposes only, more and more renovation type work must be accommodated by outside contractors. This work must be controlled through detailed plans and specifications, adequate supervision, and payment procedures.


As a general rule, alterations and renovations of an existing facility required to maintain it in suitable operating condition are the responsibility of the maintenance and operations function of the University. However, alterations required by a department to accommodate a change or expansion of its program is the responsibility of the department, assuming that specific Capital Improvement funds have not been made available through the budget process. Regardless of the source of funds, the policies and procedures outlined herein must be followed.

Proper Planning

Whether renovations are accomplished by University personnel or outside contractors, substantial lead time is required for consideration of the feasibility of a project, the design, and construction.

Only through long range planning can future space needs be anticipated and occur on a timely basis.

Additional References


Contact Information

Effective Date

Revision Dates

Last modified 12/04/2009 01:32:20 PM by Matt McNaney