University Security Camera Policy

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

Policy 301.6


1.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that individual privacy rights are protected while balancing public safety, investigating criminal activity, mitigating institutional risk, as well as monitoring institutional assets and access control systems.


2.1 This policy applies to all University property. All security cameras on Appalachian State University’s campus belong to the State of North Carolina.


Security Camera

an installed recording device used for the purpose of enhancing public safety.

Security Camera Recording

a digital or analog recording of the security camera feed.

Security Camera System

any electronic service, software, or hardware directly supporting or deploying a security camera.

Public Areas

University campus areas that are used by the general public including, but not limited to, campus grounds, parking areas, building exteriors, loading docks, areas of ingress and egress, classrooms, lecture halls, study rooms, lobbies, theaters, libraries, dining halls, gymnasiums, recreation areas, and retail establishments.

Non-public Secure areas

University campus areas restricted to University employees, such as cash handling areas, storage areas, data centers, laboratory areas, building systems and infrastructure areas, and network/wiring closets, where employees should not have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Private Areas

University campus areas in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, including, but not limited to, private offices, non-common areas of residence halls, bathrooms, residence hall bedrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms and other areas where a reasonable person might change clothes. Additionally, areas designed for the personal comfort of University employees or the safeguarding of their possessions, such as lounges and locker rooms, and areas dedicated to medical, physical, or psychological therapy or treatment shall be considered private areas for the purpose of this policy.

Data Trustee Executive

Officers of the University, designated by the Chancellor, who are responsible for data-related strategic planning and have oversight authority of Institutional Data for all organizational units and employees, under their charge, that manage and receive Institutional Data.

Data Steward

A University employee who both reports to and is designated by the Data Trustee and has the responsibility for protecting Institutional Data in accordance with IT Standards and University policies that are consistent with directions provided by the Data Trustee. (defined in Data Governance policy)

Data Security Officer

A University employee, designated by the Data Steward, who has been assigned operational responsibilities for maintaining technical solutions and enforcing access procedures and IT Standards related to Institutional Data. (defined in Data Governance policy)

Information Technology (IT) Standards

Guiding principles that establish requirements and processes that provide a reliable basis for shared expectations on how the University will comply with Information Technology related University policies, as well as federal and state laws and regulations. (defined in Information Technology Governance policy)

Policy and Procedure Statements

Security Camera Program

4.1.1 The Security Camera Program includes the formation of a Security Camera Oversight Committee (SCOC) and procedures and standards for security camera acquisition, registration, placement, and access to recordings. All procedures and standards must be approved by SCOC.
4.1.2 The Appalachian State University Police Chief shall have the authority to oversee and manage the Security Camera Program. The University Police Chief is also the University Data Trustee for security camera recordings. Information Technology Services may be delegated with the authority and responsibility to design, implement, and manage the security camera system in accordance with campus needs.

Security Camera Oversight Committee

4.2.1 The University Police Chief or designee shall serve as chairperson for the Security Camera Oversight Committee (SCOC). The chairperson shall invite Faculty, Staff, and Students to serve on this committee. The SCOC shall not exceed eleven (11) members at any given time.
4.2.2 The SCOC shall be responsible for:
  1. Approving and maintaining any security camera standard(s) and procedures.
  2. Conducting outreach activities and responding to campus feedback regarding the Security Camera Program.
  3. Providing annual updates to the IT Executive Council (as defined in the University Information Technology Governance Policy) on the status of the Security Camera Program.

Security Camera Program Requirements

4.3.1 Security Cameras must comply with expectation of privacy mandates and will only be used in Public and Non-public secure areas. Security cameras must not be installed in or have a capability to view Private Areas.
4.3.2 Security Cameras must be used in a professional and ethical manner in accordance with University policy and applicable laws and shall not include audio monitoring or audio recording.
4.3.3 All Security Cameras must be registered and comply with the Security Camera Program.
4.3.4 The Data Steward and Data Security Officer(s) shall make all decisions on requests to review Security Camera Recordings based on security camera procedures and standards. Security Camera Recordings shall not be analyzed or evaluated based on classifications protected by the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy.
4.3.5 Security camera recordings shall only be released outside of Appalachian State University when authorized by the Chief of Police and the Office of General Counsel, and pursuant to State and Local laws.


4.4.1 Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the University Police Chief and the Office of General Counsel.

Related University Policies

  1. Data Governance Policy
  2. Information Technology Governance Policy
  3. Information Security Policy
  4. Records Retention Policy
  5. Policy Statement on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended
  6. University Archives Policy
  7. Data Management Standard
  8. Secure Data Handling Standard
  9. Information Security Risk Management Standard
  10. IT Policy, Standards and Guidelines Website

Administrative Unit Contact

Appalachian State University Police | 828-262-2150 | Appalachian Police Department