Administrative Separation/Retreat to Faculty Position

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual
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Policy 601.10


This policy addresses the voluntary and involuntary separations from EHRA Non-Faculty administrative positions and Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO) administrative positions, with the exception of the Chancellor. This policy, in accordance with UNC System Policy 300.1.6 and Regulation 300.1.6[R], addresses four circumstances of voluntary or involuntary separations by SAAO administrators: retreat to a faculty position, reappointment of an administrator without faculty retreat rights, separation from the University and retirement.


This policy applies to EHRA Non-Faculty and SAAO administrative positions other than the Chancellor.

Policy Statements

EHRA Non-Faculty/ SAAO Return to Tenured Faculty Position.

3.1.1 An EHRA Non-Faculty or SAAO employee who is employed at will in an administrative appointment and concurrently holds a tenured faculty appointment may assume the rights and responsibilities of the tenured faculty appointment in their home department after voluntary or involuntary removal from the administrative appointment unless a separate proceeding is initiated to discharge or demote the employee from the faculty position.

3.1.2 The EHRA Non-Faculty or SAAO employee’s new salary upon retreating to the tenured faculty position must be adjusted to a 9-month base faculty salary that is commensurate with the salaries of comparable faculty members in their home department. Any administrative stipends held by the employee will be removed.

3.1.3 Research Leave. At the discretion of the Chancellor, the employee may receive up to one (1) semester of research leave when they have served in one or more Tier 1 SAAO positions for at least five (5) years in order to provide an opportunity for the faculty member to prepare for teaching and research responsibilities. Prior to the beginning of the research leave, the employee shall submit a work plan for the leave period to include expected outcomes. The leave will be paid at a salary commensurate with the salaries of comparable faculty members in their home department.

3.1.4 Exceptions. Exceptions may be made to recognize extraordinary circumstances including, but not limited to, extended or superior service in administrative roles. Any exception to these provisions must be approved by the Board of Trustees and the UNC System President.

3.1.5 Failure to Return to Faculty Role. If the employee does not assume faculty responsibilities for the semester they are to return from any granted research leave, the Chancellor is authorized in their discretion, to require the faculty member to repay the compensation paid during the research leave period.

Reappointment of an Administrator without Faculty Retreat Rights.

3.2.1 Any employee leaving an administrative position that is categorized as “at will” that does not hold a tenured faculty position prior to or at the time of appointment, has no claim to a position at the University.

3.2.2 The University may determine, upon approval by the Chancellor, that it is in its best interest to assign an employee without faculty retreat rights to another administrative or teaching position. In the event the Chancellor wishes to assign the employee to a faculty role, the Department APT Committee must first review the employee’s credentials and make a recommendation to the Chair regarding an appropriate faculty rank. The recommendation will then be submitted to the Dean and Provost for final approval. In the case of such reassignment, the new salary must be appropriate to the assignment or commensurate with the salary of comparable faculty members.

Separation from University Employment.

In accordance with UNC System Policy 300.1.1 and 300.2.1, the University is permitted to discontinue the employment of an administrator holding an at will position, by providing a notice of discontinuation that includes either notice or severance payment for up to ninety (90) days, depending on their length of service. The University is not permitted to pay compensation for more than ninety (90) days unless approved in advance by the Board of Trustees.


Nothing in this policy shall prevent an administrator from retiring or an administrator who holds a concurrent tenured faculty position from participating in phased retirement consistent with existing policies.

Additional References

UNC Policy 300.1.6

UNC Regulation 300.1.6[R]