Rules and Regulations

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

Policy 107.1


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Academic Year

From the beginning of one fall semester to the beginning of the next fall semester.


All properties belonging to Appalachian State University, including New River Light and Power, the Child Development Center, the holdings of the permanent Endowment Fund and all properties leased or controlled by the University.


Chief Administrative Officer of Appalachian State University.


That portion of a roadway ordinarily included within the prolongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at intersections, or any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.

Director of Parking and Traffic

The person designated by the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs to be responsible for enforcing the provisions of these regulations.

Dormant Storage

The parking of a non-operative motor vehicle for a period longer than seven days. State owned vehicles and privately owned motor vehicles displaying a current parking permit and parked in an area authorized by the displayed permit shall not be classified as dormant unless there is evidence that the vehicle is inoperative. Failure to display a current authorized state license plate classifies a vehicle as inoperative. Inoperative vehicles may be removed from the campus after seven days at the owner’s expense.

Faculty Member

Employees with faculty or equivalent professional status. (Graduate Assistants are not included).

Immobilization (Booting)

The placing of a mechanical wheel lock (boot) on a vehicle to prevent movement of the vehicle.


The area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways, streets or roadways, which join one another at any angle whether or not one such highway, street or roadway crosses the other.

Legal Parking Space

An area that has been clearly designated by pavement markings as a parking space.

No Parking Area

Any area not clearly designated by pavement markings as a parking space shall be considered a no parking area.


The standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not.

Parking Area

Any place or area set aside, marked or intended for the parking of vehicles, either permanently or temporarily.

Pay Lot

Any parking lot or area where payment for parking is required based on the length of time the vehicle is parked. Pay lots may be operated by automated pay machines, meters or by attendants who collect the parking fees.


Any area designated for or marked by proper authorities for the exclusive use of pedestrians.

Staff Member

Any non-faculty employee paid by the state and employed at the University on a full or part-time basis.


When required, means complete cessation of movement of a vehicle.


Any way or place designated or marked by proper authorities for vehicular travel.


Any person registered with the University as a full-time, part-time, graduate or other special student. This does not include employees of the University who are in a full-time permanent position and subject to SPA or EPA guidelines.


The removal of a vehicle from the campus by a contracted towing firm at the vehicle operator’s expense.


Unless otherwise provided, the word “University” throughout these regulations shall be interpreted to mean Appalachian State University at Boone.


Any device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon the campus, excepting devices moved by human power; the term motorcycle, motor bike, or motor scooter in these regulations applies to any two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor propelled vehicle.


Any person on the campus who is not classified as faculty, staff or student.

Policy and Procedure Statements

General Regulations

These regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, except as herein provided. Any revisions will be announced in official University publications.


The Chancellor shall delegate to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs the responsibility for administering the provisions of these regulations. The Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs shall designate the Director of Parking and Traffic to be responsible for enforcing the provisions of these regulations.


Appalachian State University assumes no liability or responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle parked or in operation on all University-owned, leased or controlled property.

Pedestrian Regulations

Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks and on sidewalks at all times. Pedestrians should only cross streets at designated crosswalks.

Property Damage

No person shall deface, injure or remove any signs or other equipment used for the purpose of parking and traffic control. Violators can face criminal charges as well as being referred to Student Judicial Affairs.

Snow Emergency

In order to provide for public safety the University Parking and Traffic Department shall have the authority during times of severe winter weather conditions to relocate a legally or illegally parked vehicle from one street or parking area to another in order to assist in snow removal.

Vehicle Covers

No person shall utilize any type of vehicle cover or sun shield which prevents full visibility of a properly displayed parking permit. It is the vehicle operator’s responsibility to make any necessary alterations to the device to allow for the parking permit to be viewed from outside the vehicle.

Violation of Regulations

In addition to the criminal penalties set by North Carolina General Statutes, any person violating these regulations is subject to a civil penalty as set forth in this document. When a vehicle is found to be in violation of these regulations, it will be considered prima facie evidence that the vehicle was parked: (1) by the person holding a University parking permit for that vehicle; (2) by the person registered with the University for a parking permit displayed on that vehicle or (3) by the person on file as the vehicle’s owner with the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles or corresponding agencies of another state or nation.

Vehicle Registration

Individuals who park a motor vehicle between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday on University controlled property, for any period, however short, must immediately register their vehicle(s) with the University Parking and Traffic Department. Parking permits are not required from 5:00pm until 7:00am, Monday through Friday, and at all times on Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise posted.

Several types of permits are available, dependent upon the category of the registrant. The University Parking and Traffic Department will provide the appropriate parking permit at the time of registration. Only one permit will be issued per faculty member, staff member or student, therefore persons wishing to register and operate multiple vehicles will be issued a hang tag permit that can easily be transferred between vehicles. A parking permit serves as permission to park and does NOT guarantee a parking space.

Permit Types

  • Hang Tag Parking Permits: Hang from rearview mirror, adhere to lower corner of front windshield on driver's side, or adhere to dashboard directly above steering wheel, with numbers facing outward. Entire permit number must be visible from outside of the vehicle.
  • Guest Parking Vouchers: Hang from rearview mirror or display on vehicle dashboard directly above steering wheel with writing facing outward. Entire permit must be visible from outside of the vehicle.

NOTE: In all cases, parking permits remain the property of the Appalachian State University Parking and Traffic Department and may not be resold or transferred to any person other than the original registrant. Display of a permit on any vehicle not registered to the permit is a violation of University policy.

Eligibility for Permits

  • Faculty/Staff Parking Permits: Persons eligible for this permit shall be faculty members and all permanent or temporary non-student employees. Categories are as follows.
  • Parking Deck Permit: Allows parking in the assigned deck, as well as all surface lots on campus.
  • General Permit: Allows parking in all surface lots on the campus.
  • Adjunct Faculty/Part-Time Staff: Persons eligible for this permit must be classified as adjunct faculty members, teaching 6 or fewer hours, or a part-time staff member working 20 or fewer hours per week. No one eligible for this reduced rate permit may be enrolled as a student. Documentation verifying this employment status must be provided by the faculty or staff member’s department prior to obtaining a parking permit. This permit allows parking in all surface lots on the campus.
  • Student Parking Permits: All students registered for classes are eligible to apply for these permits. Assignments will be based on student classification and availability of space. These permits allow parking at all times in area(s) indicated on the permit, except during home football games.
  • Evening Parking Permit: All students are eligible for this permit which allows parking on the campus after 2:00 p.m. in all student lots (Stadium, Hill Street, Greenwood, and State Farm).
  • Reserved Space Permit: These permits are allocated only to persons with very extenuating circumstances. Requests for these permits require the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs.
  • Appalachian Heights/Appalachian Pan-Hellenic Hall/Mountaineer Hall: Persons eligible for these permits must be a resident of the complex.
  • Disability Parking Permits: See Article IV
  • Graduate Assistant Permits: Persons eligible for this permit must have a signed contract with the University. Parking lot assignment will be made at the time the permit is purchased.
  • Vendor Permits: Persons eligible for this permit are not employed by the University, but yet are performing work on the campus. Any vendor requiring a parking space on campus must purchase and display a valid University parking permit.
  • Retired Permits: All Appalachian State University retirees are eligible to apply for a complimentary campus parking permit. Verification of retirement status is required before a permit may be issued. However, employees who return to work are subject to the appropriate parking fees.
  • Temporary Permits: These permits are to cover emergency situations subject to the approval of the Director of the Parking and Traffic Department.
  • Special Permits: Certain cases may merit special parking consideration. In such cases, application shall be made by the individual at the Parking and traffic Department. No consideration will be given to situations involving off campus employment.
  • Motorcycle Permits: See Article VIII
  • Visitor Permits: Pay by the hour parking is available for visitors in the Rivers Street Parking Deck. In certain situations, visitors may be issued temporary permits for other areas of campus at a charge of $5.00 per day. Campus departments are eligible to purchase visitor parking permits for their guests at a reduced rate.
  • Loading Permits: Students may obtain a short term permit to allow the use of a legal parking space for loading their vehicle.

NOTE: Parents picking up/dropping off a student may obtain a complimentary 30 minute loading permit from the Parking and Traffic Department.

Students registering for fall semester parking permits must do so online via their AppalNET account. Check for more information. Registration at all other times of the year must be done in person at the Parking and Traffic Department.

Faculty and staff new to the University should make application for parking privileges at the University Parking and Traffic Department. Existing employees may renew their parking registration online in August, or by visiting the Parking and Traffic Department in person. Check for more information.

Parking permits must be affixed in accordance with the directions accompanying them. Parking permits allow parking only in assigned areas or the areas designated on them and only in legally marked parking spaces. It does not permit parking in “No Parking Zones” or other illegal parking areas.

If at any time, the parking permit is defaced, lost, stolen or removed, it becomes the responsibility of the registrant to replace it immediately. Replacement permits may be obtained from the University Parking and Traffic Department for a fee of $5.00.

A faculty member, staff member or student may not register a vehicle that is owned or used by another faculty member, staff member or student. Violation of this rule is false registration and constitutes a civil penalty of $200.00, as well as loss of campus parking privileges. Violator(s) will be required to surrender the parking permit to the University Parking and Traffic Department with no refund.

A faculty member, staff member or student displaying a counterfeit or altered campus parking permit or a campus parking permit issued to another vehicle registrant will pay a civil penalty of $200.00. If the parking permit is listed as stolen, the situation may be referred to the University Police Department.

Registration of a vehicle at the University requires accurate information. Giving of false information constitutes false registration and will result in a civil penalty of $200.00 as well as loss of campus parking privileges. Violator(s) will be required to surrender the parking permit to the University Parking and Traffic Department with no refund.

All parking permits shall be valid from the date of issuance and shall expire on August 15 of the academic year issued, unless otherwise noted on the permit. Persons assigned to park in off campus storage lots will be reassigned at the end of spring semester if summer parking is needed.

Faculty members, staff members, students and visitors are allowed to park in timed spaces for the amount of time designated by posted signs without displaying a campus parking permit. However, parking in excess of the posted time limit shall be considered a violation, with the appropriate civil penalty applying. There is no limit to the number of citations received while parked overtime in a timed zone or space.

If two (2) or more members of a family are employed or enrolled as students and use multiple parking spaces, each automobile must display a valid parking permit.

The State of North Carolina requires that all students requesting parking privileges on the campus must certify that their vehicle(s) are insured at or higher than the levels mandated in North Carolina General Statute 20-279.1(11). Prior to a parking permit being issued, the applicant must provide the insurance company name, policy number and certify that the coverage meets the minimum standards indicated below:

The levels set by G.S./20-279.1 (11) state it is the proof of ability to respond in damages for liability in the amount of:

  • $30,000 because of bodily injury to or death on one person in any one accident and subject to said limit for one person.
  • $60,000 because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident.
  • $25,000 because of injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident.

NOTE: This requirement applies to motor vehicles registered in other states, as well as those registered in the State of North Carolina.

Pay Lot Parking

  • Anyone may park in the Rivers Street Parking Deck, subject to space available, and pay the appropriate fee upon exit.
  • Fees are $2.00 for the first hour or part, $1.00 for each additional hour or part, with a daily maximum per vehicle of $5.00.
  • All hourly pay lot customers are required to exit the facility no later than the posted closing time. Failure to do so will be considered a parking violation.

Overnight Parking Restrictions

Overnight parking is prohibited in campus parking decks without display of a valid annual parking permit for the facility.

Additional References


Contact Information

Effective Date

Revision Dates