Student Organization Web Sites

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

Policy 407



Appalachian State University is committed to providing its students with opportunities and experiences which will assist them in developing competencies through participation in co-curricular organizations. These opportunities and experiences mainly take the form of programs and services designed to assist student leaders in meeting the mission of their organizations. In an effort to provide student leaders support in their leadership roles while simultaneously providing experience in the use and application of technology, Appalachian State University, through the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership along with Information Technology Services, provides recognized student organizations the opportunity to develop World Wide Web sites for their organization.




Any person who (1) has applied to and been accepted for admission by the University at either the undergraduate or graduate level, (2) is currently attending the University, or (3) has attended the University.


Universal Resource Locator; a unique address on the World Wide Web.

World Wide Web

One of the many services available on the Internet; a publishing tool where anyone with access to a URL may post documents containing text, pictures, sounds, etc.

Web Site

A directory containing documents on a computer server connected to the Internet with its own unique address (URL).


A person having access to a Web site who is responsible for designing, maintaining, and receiving feedback via e-mail for the pages contained in that Web site.

Policy and Procedure Statements

Example policy 1

Example policy 2

Additional References


Contact Information

Effective Date

Revision Dates