Warehouse Stock Items
Policy 504.1
Definition phrase or word
- Definition summary
Policy and Procedure Statements
Purchasing Policy - The University Central Warehouse stocks quality supplies and materials purchased in volume through contracts issued by the State of North Carolina Department of Administration, Purchase and Contract Division and through open bid procedures, thereby providing a savings to the University.
Order Form - A catalog listing of all items stocked in the Central Warehouse is available from the University's Website. Departments may purchase items listed in the catalog directly from the Central Warehouse by completing a warehouse requisition form. Items purchased are delivered by Warehouse personnel to the departments.
Restrictive Purchases - Departments are required to consult their catalog or Warehouse personnel (262-3160) to determine if items are stocked or available from the University Warehouse before purchasing from an outside vendor. Departments are required to purchase stock items from the Central Warehouse in lieu of seeking the item(s) on the open market.
Every effort is made by the Central Warehouse to fill and deliver all warehouse requisitions within twenty-four (24) hours after they are received.