Motor Vehicle Management

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual
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Policy 507.10




Policy and Procedure Statements

Motor Vehicles

Motor vehicles owned by the University or by the Department of Administration are maintained by the University Motor Pool located in the Physical Plant Complex on Dale Street off State Farm Road, Boone, North Carolina 28607.

Department of Administration Vehicles As of January 1, 1982, the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended by the 1981 General Assembly, require that State owned motor vehicles (sedans and station wagons used primarily for transporting personnel) be centrally controlled by the State Department of Administration (D.O.A.). These vehicles fall into two categories: first, those automobiles which are housed and maintained at the Appalachian State University Motor Pool are available for dispatching on a daily or weekly basis. These passenger vehicles are used for official University business or travel. The second category is passenger automobiles allotted to the University by the Department of Administration which have been assigned to a department or an individual for carrying out official University business. These vehicles are not available to the Appalachian State University Motor Pool for daily dispatching.

University Vehicles These vehicles are utility/delivery cars, maintenance trucks, vans, and buses which are owned and operated by the University. Regulations and Procedures Designation - Since procedures and regulations governing the operation of Department of Administration and University vehicles may vary slightly, it will be necessary for purpose of clarity to differentiate between the two in this section. Therefore, references to Department of Administration vehicles will be designated "D.O.A." and those to University vehicles will be designated "University" in the remainder of this section. The following rules and regulations apply to both University and Department of Administration vehicles.

Official Use

  1. State owned passenger carrying vehicles - Only State employees shall drive State owned passenger-carrying vehicles and those vehicles shall only be used for official state business. It shall be unlawful for any state employee to use a state owned vehicle for any private purpose. Commuting privileges approved by the division are not considered a private purpose.
  2. Passengers - Spouses and children of state employees or non-state personnel on official business may accompany them in State owned vehicles if sufficient space is available and all travel is strictly for official State business. No family pets are permitted in State owned vehicles. Leader dogs for the blind are excluded from this restriction.
  3. Use of Seat Belts - The State of North Carolina requires that seat belts be used by all drivers and front seat passengers in most types of motor vehicles (North Carolina General Statutes §20-135.2A). All vehicles that display a State license plate require the use of seat belts for front and rear occupants. This requirement applies to persons in their status as either a driver or as a passenger (both employees and students).

NOTE: An exception has been made for drivers or passengers of vehicles that do not exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (University wide speed limit), and they must frequently stop to deliver property from the vehicle. This exception applies to vehicles delivering on campus, and would include vehicles from the Physical Plant, Warehouse, and Post Office. When the vehicles are operated on public streets and highways the occupants must use seat belts. Failure to comply with this policy can result in a fine of $25.00, and at the option of the campus, the withdrawal of an individual's privilege of using State vehicles.

  1. Use of Cellular Phone or Other Wireless Communication Devices - Drivers should refrain from using a cellular phone or other wireless communication device while driving. In emergency situations, drivers should make every effort to move to a safe place off the main traveled portion of the roadway before using a cellular phone or other wireless device. If it is necessary to call for assistance while the vehicle is moving and if a passenger is available, have the passenger make the call for assistance.

Driver's Responsibilities

Fines and Damage Drivers are personally responsible for cost incurred because of:

  1. Fines for violations of laws.
  2. Damage to vehicles resulting from negligence or abuse or while engaged in unauthorized or illegal use.
  3. Restoration of vehicles to original condition when necessitated by installation or removal of personally owned accessories or equipment. (Any alterations to vehicles must be approved through the Motor Pool Supervisor.)

Proper License The drivers of University owned and D.O.A. vehicles must have the appropriate driver?s license. Normally, the Class C license is all that is required. A xerox copy of a valid driver's license must be on file in the Motor Pool office before anyone can be allowed to operate a State vehicle.

Student Drivers Students may drive state owned vehicles only as long as they are paid a wage or salary by the University. Students who are part-time or temporary are also permitted to drive state owned vehicles.

Budget Code Requests for Motor Pool vehicles should be submitted three (3) weeks in advance of the intended travel. Approved Travel Request/Vehicle Request should be sent directly to the Motor Pool unless a Travel Advance is requested, or airline tickets are involved. In these two situations, Request for Travel must be sent to the Controller's Office and to the Motor Pool.

Vehicle Selection Departments are responsible for selecting the proper vehicle according to the need and requirements.

Highway Manners University and D.O.A. vehicles must not be driven in excess of legally authorized and posted speeds and must be driven at all times in a manner conducive to safety, economy, and good public relations.

Purchase of Gasoline Gasoline, oil, and service will be obtained from Motor Fleet Management facilities or other State owned facilities except when circumstances are such that the use of state owned facilities is not practical. When commercial establishments are used for gasoline purchases, all drivers, except those whose physical handicaps prevent them from doing so, shall make purchases of regular (unleaded) gasoline from self service pumps only.

Service Schedules Drivers of vehicles dispatched for an extended period of time are responsible for observance of service schedules posted on the lubrication sticker. Service must be performed at the Motor Pool garage whenever possible. Gasoline and oil are to be obtained from the University Motor Pool when in the local area.

Security Vehicle security is the responsibility of the driver. All doors are to be locked when the vehicle is not occupied.

Tire Chains The cost of installation of tire chains may be charged to a University credit card. These costs are in turn billed to the using department. Damage caused by improper use of chains is also billed to the using department.

Parking and Toll Expenses = A request for reimbursement for parking and toll road expenses is made on the employee's personal travel reimbursement claim.

Motor Pool Privileges Motor Pool privileges may be withdrawn if such action is in the best interest of the University or Department of Administration.

Personal Property Personal property left in University or D.O.A. vehicles is retained in the Motor Pool office for a period of two weeks. At the end of two weeks, appropriate disposition is made.

Vehicles Taken Home Vehicles may not be taken home unless employee has a trip the following workday and employee's home is closer to the destination than the regular work station, and the employee does not have to report to his/her regular work station before beginning the trip.

Rental Vehicle Reservations

Advance Reservations Vehicle reservations should be made as far in advance as possible, and must be made in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in the Travel and Transportation Section of the RESOURCE MANUAL. Should an emergency arise and the Request for Travel has not reached the Motor Pool office, the person picking up the car must provide the proper budget code in order to complete the paperwork.

Schedule Changes The Motor Pool must be advised immediately if it becomes necessary to keep a vehicle beyond the return time indicated on the reservations. This is essential in order for the Motor Pool to make arrangements to accommodate the next scheduled user of the vehicle. Vehicles required for early morning or weekend departures, or any time other than regular dispatching hours, may be picked up between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. of the preceding day.

Returning Vehicles Vehicles are returned to the Motor Pool at the end of a trip. During regular hours, the driver should return the vehicle keys and the travel log folder and its contents to the Motor Pool Office.

After Hours During other than regular hours, the driver should deposit the above items in the locked box beside the Motor Pool Office entrance.

Weekly Assignments Vehicles assigned on a weekly basis are returned to the Motor Pool on Friday unless required for official use during the weekend.

Mechanical Problems

When mechanical problems occur with a University or Department of Administration vehicle, the driver should contact the Motor Pool for advice, information, and instructions at (828) 262-3195.

For emergencies after working hours, the driver should contact the University emergency number, (828) 262-2150. The person on duty will assist in getting the needed service.

Repair Authorization

Generally, authorization for repairs to a University or Department of Administration vehicle must be obtained from the Motor Pool; however, when independent action is required, drivers are expected to use sound judgment. For problems which develop in other parts of North Carolina, there may be a University or other State owned garage that may be able to offer assistance. A list of these garages can be found in the travel folder that is issued when a vehicle is picked up.

Unnecessary charges to University or Department of Administration vehicles are charged to the using department. Drivers are responsible for reporting all operational defects to the Motor Pool when the vehicle is returned.


Liability insurance, property damage coverage, and medical coverage for the person you hit are provided under a blanket policy contracted by the University. Call the University Motor Pool for the policy number. More detailed information is covered in Travel and Transportation Policy Statement 10, Transportation.

Additional References


Contact Information

Effective Date

Revision Dates