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Campus Wayfinding and Signage

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

Revision as of 19:51, 27 May 2013 by Deaskc (Talk | contribs) (Policy and Procedure Statements)

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Policy 507.15

1 Introduction

1.1 The University recognizes the need for comprehensive, clear and consistent signage and associated standards to facilitate access and wayfinding needs of faculty, students, staff, and visitors. Well-designed signage will unify campus places, orient people, and strengthen Appalachian State University’s image.

2 Scope

2.1 This policy applies to all interior and exterior signage for Appalachian State University. The standards will encompass signage placement, design characteristics and size.

3 Definitions

3.1 Wayfinding

a consistent use and organization of definite sensory cues from the external environment

3.2 Design Characteristics

anything included in the design outlines—color, size, font, spacing, graphics, information, shape or any element that would be portrayed on a sign

3.3 Exterior Signage

any sign situated outside. This includes but is not limited to building signage, parking and traffic signage, wall-mounted signs, memorials, digital or other technologies, vehicular-orientation signage, information kiosks, information signage and donor signage/recognition

3.4 Interior Signage

any sign situated on the inside of a structure. This includes but is not limited to directories, room plaques, directional signage, room schematics, digital or other technologies, emergency evacuation routes and restroom signage

3.5 Plaque

an ornamental tablet, typically of metal or plastic, that is fixed to a wall or other surface

3.6 Temporary Signage

signage intended to be in use for 60 days or fewer

4 Policy and Procedure Statements

4.1 Authority over design standards and placement of all interior and exterior signage rests with the Department of Planning, Design and Construction.

4.2 All interior and exterior signage on Appalachian State University properties shall be submitted to the Department of Planning, Design and Construction for review and approval prior to installation.

4.3 Non-compliant signage may be subject to review, removal, and/or further renovation, at the expense of the department that created or obtained such signage.

4.4 Contact Planning, Design and Construction to submit signage proposals

5 Additional References

6 Authority

7 Contact Information

8 Effective Date

9 Revision Dates