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603.27 Daylight Savings Time Procedure

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

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603.27 Daylight Savings Time

1 Introduction

2 Scope

3 Definitions

3.1 Definition phrase or word

4 Policy and Procedure Statements

  1. Employees should always report hours as worked.
  2. Employees working nights and are affected by the Spring Forward should report the true number of hours worked. 7 hours should be reported for those employees normally scheduled for an 8 hour shift. 11 hours should be reported for those employees normally scheduled for a 12 hour shift. The employee has the option of using another leave category to compensate for the additional hour.
  3. Employees working nights and are affected by the Fall Back should report the true number of hours worked. 9 hours should be reported for those employees normally scheduled for an 8 hour shift. 13 hours should be reported for those employees normally scheduled for a 12 hour shift. Compensatory guidelines should be followed if the additional hour puts the employee into overtime for the week.

4.1 Example policy 1

4.2 Example policy 2

5 Additional References

6 Authority

7 Contact Information

8 Effective Date

9 Revision Dates