Global Learning Management System Policy

From Appalachian State University Policy Manual

Policy 203


1.1 The purpose of this policy is to further the University’s educational mission and Strategic Plan by hosting spaces for faculty and staff, in a separate Learning Management System (LMS) environment called AsULearn Global.

1.2 Unlike traditional for credit online or distance education courses, project spaces on AsULearn Global are not linked to student or participant data from Appalachian State University’s Registrar. The University will not upload or maintain rosters in project spaces, rather management of users in a project space is the sole responsibility of the project space’s owner.


2.1 This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and participants utilizing the AsULearn-Global project server.



means the Learning Management System (Moodle) managed by the University, which primarily supports for-credit courses for campus (courses students register for via the process managed by the University’s Registrar).


is a separate Moodle Learning Management System provided by the University to be utilized by faculty, staff, and participants for non-credit activities. AsULearn Global will not include any integration to BANNER or other Enterprise Services provide by ITS, with the exception of OAuth.

Learning Management System (LMS)

is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. A Learning Management System provides an instructor with a way to create, organize and deliver content, monitor participant engagement, and assess learning outcomes. The University utilizes an open source LMS called Moodle.

Open Authorization or “OAuth”

is an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization on the Internet. OAuth allows an end user's account information to be used by third-party services, such as Google, without exposing the user's password.

Project Space

means a space created in a separate, global environment open to faculty or staff to conduct University-related business for the delivery of a course that does not offer University academic credit for completion.


means Appalachian State University.

Policy and Procedure Statements

Allowable uses of AsULearn Global Project Spaces

4.1.1 AsULearn Global project spaces are available for faculty and staff to use in conducting the business of the University, including meeting the teaching, extension, and scholarship needs of University instructors. University faculty and staff may use AsULearn Global Project Spaces for the following purposes:

  1. Engaging with local, state and national leaders in creating online educational opportunities for external constituents.
  2. Sharing expertise with K-12 and community college partners to promote improved access and preparation of their students for the university experience.
  3. Engaging with global leaders and global learners in education in order to apply academic and professional expertise to the direct benefit of external audiences.
  4. Offering free training or information to the general public as part of a faculty or staff member’s service or extension role.
  5. Supporting collaboration on grant-funded work.
  6. Committee work engaged in scholarly endeavors (internal or in partnership with others).
  7. Providing training materials for members of the University community.
  8. Course Development (e.g., development of courses or course materials prior to the time when course spaces can be requested). The development of content within the AsULearn Global Infrastructure is limited to content for non-credit publication and public distribution. No copyrighted content or Appalachian State University owned intellectual property used for institutional credit can be stored or disseminated via the AsULearn Global System.
  9. Practice (e.g., experimentation with different Moodle tools, opportunity to learn about Moodle).
  10. Facilitation of collaborations within or among University colleges, units, or programs.

Unpermitted Usage for AsULearn Global LMS project spaces

4.2.1 The following uses are not permitted in AsULearn Global project spaces:

  1. Any for-credit courses offered by the University such as those listed in the Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins.
  2. Any use not directly affiliated with an individual’s professional or employment role at the University.
  3. Any use not sponsored by a University faculty or staff member.
  4. Any use that requires integrations or agreements beyond what is already in place for the University Enterprise Moodle server (AsULearn).
  5. Any use for experimental educational efforts that may interfere with the normal operations of the Moodle Enterprise server; e.g., high enrollment/high volume extension or Massive Online global Course (MOOC) activities.
  6. Any project that is revenue generating or may involve the payment of any fees for services, materials or other goods to an individual or entity not owned or controlled by the University.

Intellectual Property (Copyright and/or Patent)

4.3.1 Faculty and staff utilizing AsULearn Global within the scope of their employment must adhere to all requirements in the University’s Intellectual Property Transfer Policy (Policy # 207) and the University of North Carolina System Policy on Intellectual Property (UNC Policy # 500.2).

Compensation Statement Regarding use of AsULearn Global

4.4.1 Use of AsULearn Global is considered part of a University faculty or staff member’s scope of employment and may only be utilized for scholarship, teaching, or service. University faculty and staff may not utilize the system for any work-for-hire or consulting work.

4.4.2 AsULearn Global may be utilized by University departments or programs to provide certification and other educational programs that require a registration fee; provided the fee is paid to the University and not an individual instructor.


4.5.1 Requests for a project space on AsULearn Global may only be made by a University faculty or staff member. Graduate and undergraduate students are not permitted to request a project space for any reason.


4.6.1 AsULearn Global will utilize the Google OAuth service for providing authentication and authorization to the AsULearn Global service.

No Academic Credit

4.7.1 Participation in or completion of a course on AsULearn Global does not confer any academic credit. The University has no obligation to seek course recognition by any educational institution or accreditation organization.

Disclaimer of Participant-University Relationship

4.8.1 Nothing in this policy creates a student relationship between a participant in the AsULearn Global environment and the University. Participation in any project space does not: (a) enroll or register a participant as an enrolled student in the University (b) enable a participant to enroll in any other for credit courses offered by the University; (c) entitle a participant to use the resources of the University beyond participation in the course; or (d) confer any rights, title or ownership in any materials created as a part of any project space or copied from a project space.


4.8.1 Nothing in this policy creates a student relationship between a participant in the AsULearn Global environment and the University. Participation in any project space does not: (a) enroll or register a participant as an enrolled student in the University (b) enable a participant to enroll in any other for credit courses offered by the University; (c) entitle a participant to use the resources of the University beyond participation in the course; or (d) confer any rights, title or ownership in any materials created as a part of any project space or copied from a project space.

Additional References

Intellectual Property Transfer Policy # 207
Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy # 110
Code of Student Conduct Policy # 401
The UNC Policy Manual, Chapter 500, Section 500.2 (Patent and Copyright Policies


The UNC Policy Manual, Chapter 100.1, The Code, Section 502

Contact Information

Learning Technology Services, 828-262-6731

Original Effective Date

June 27, 2018

Revision Dates

January 5, 2019
November 5, 2021 - previously policy 222